Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Wasserfurth-Grzybowski | Office founder and owner
Studies: Electrical engineering (TU Gleiwitz), lighting technology (TU Warsaw & TU Karlsruhe)
Focus: light planning, organic lighting design, light-color-emotion, light in health care, visualization in 3D space, research and teaching at the Hildesheim University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK).

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Hanne Wever | Lighting designer
Studies: Lighting Design (HAWK)
Focus: lighting planning, project analysis, CAD, interior lighting

M.Sc. (TU) Emlyn Etienne Goronczy
Studies: Architecture (TU Braunschweig)
Focus: interior lighting, urban light planning in exterior areas, prevention of light pollution, teaching at TU Braunschweig

Dipl.-Ing. Olga Westermann | Landscape & open space planner
Studies: Landscape and open space planning (University of Hanover)
Focus: cityscape analyzes, master plans, light in the landscape

Philip Lentz | Dipl. Wirt.-Ing | Managing Director
Studies: Industrial engineering and mechanical engineering ( TU Braunschweig)
Focus: Marketing, Controlling and Business Development

Mgr. Elzbieta Wasserfurth-Grzybowska | Finance and communication
Studies: Polish Philology (University of Silesia Katowice)
Focus: bookkeeping, accounting, communication, finance

Gregor Gärtner | Lighting Designer MA
Studies: Lighting Design (HAWK Hildesheim)
Focus: lighting planning in the interior and health sector

Fabian Wagner | Architect
MA Architecture University of Wismar
MA Architectural Lighting Design Wismar University of Applied Sciences

Benedikt Schlund | M.Sc. | Landscape & open space planner
Study: Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning (Leibniz University Hannover)
Focus: Master plans, geoinformation systems, open space design, design
Stuttgart office

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Johannes Käppler | Management Board
Studies: Lighting Design (HAWK), lighting technology / light application (TU Ilmenau)
Focus: lighting planning, project planning, corporate design
Warsaw office

Dipl.-Ing. Agnieszka Wawiórko | Lighting designer
Studies: Lighting Technology (TU Warsaw), Sociology / Social Applied Sciences (University of Warsaw)
Focus: concepts for object lighting, visualizations, 3D models, lighting calculations

Dipl.-Ing. Conrad Rychlik | Lighting Engineer
Studies: Electrical Engineering (TU Warsaw)
Focus: Illumination of modern buildings, lighting master plans in 3D models, lighting calculations

MA Barbara Ejdys | Product Designer
Studies: Industrial Design ( Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź and Gdańsk)
Focus: concept design, new product design and development, 3D modeling

Dr.-Ing. Marcin Ciupak | Lighting engineer and office manager Warsaw
Studies: Lighting Technology (TU Warsaw)
Focus: Illumination of historical and classic buildings, planning and light calculation of luminaires, photometric calculations of special lighting solutions, video visualizations in 3D.

MEng Ula Marzec | Graphic Designer
Studies: Landscape architecture (Warsaw University of Life Sciences), Spatial Management (Warsaw University of Life Sciences)
Focus: layout design, graphic design, web design, lighting concepts for urban landscape and architectural objects, visualizations

MEng Paweł Prokopczyk | Designer
Studies: Electrical Engineering at Warsaw University of Technology
Focus: interior lighting, exterior lighting, 3D modeling and animation

Narrow. Damian Pawlik | designer
Studies: Electrical Engineering at the Lublin University of Technology
Focus: automation, electronics, electrical engineering, designing lighting and electrical devices

Dipl.-Ing. Magdalena Pożarowszczyk-Bieniak | Landscape & open space planner
Studies: PhD in Landscape Architecture, Master of Spatial Management (SGGW – Warsaw University of Natural Sciences), postgraduate studies in Applied Lighting Technology (PW – Warsaw University of Technology) and Project Management (SGH- Warsaw School of Economics)
Focus: Product manager ILS application, implementation of digital tools, landscape and open space planning, analysis, lighting design, project management, optimization, scientific projects.

Dipl.-Ing. Mateusz Cieślik | Landscape & open space planner
Studies: Landscape Planning (Warsaw University of Natural Sciences)
Focus: landscape and open space planning, analyzes, lighting design, graphics

Dipl.-Ing. Piotr Ratajkiewicz | Lighting designer & project manager
Studies: Lighting Technology (TU Posen), Project Management (Posen University of Economics and Business)
Focus: project management, marketing, light calculations, light management systems
Amsterdam office

MSc Ritsert Huijsman | Industrial Design Engineer
Studies: Industrial Design Engineering (TU Delft)
Focus: lighting design

MSc. Tomas Daniëlse
Studies: Industrial Design Engineering (TU Delft)
Focus: lighting design Product Design
Friends of the company
Consultant Prof. Markus Schlegel | TSP.DESIGN, HAWK Hildesheim
Studies: Chemistry – paint, varnish, plastics (Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences)
Focus: color design, color and space
Consultant Prof. Dr.-Ing. Paul W. Schmits | HAWK Hildesheim
Studies: Electrical Engineering (TU Berlin)
Focus: teaching at the HAWK, lighting design, luminaire design
German Lighting Design Prize 2021 – nomination office / administration
Project: Göttingen | Campus Sartorius AG
LIT AWARDS 2020 – Honorable Mentions in Workplace Lighting
Project: Göttingen | Campus Sartorius AG
LIT AWARDS 2020 – Honorable Mentions in Heritage Lighting
Project: Frankfurt | Cathedral Römer
Awarded GOLD at the MIPIM Award
Project: Frankfurt | Cathedral Römer
German Lighting Design Prize 2017: Nomination in the category “Public lighting – outdoor space”
Project: Hildesheim University Campus “Marienburg Domain”
German Lighting Design Prize 2017: Nomination in the category “Public lighting – outdoor space”
Project: Hildesheim University Campus “Marienburg Domain”
Audience Award City.People.Light Award 2016
Project: Emmen Centrumsplein, Marktplein, Boulevard Noord
DGNB pre-certificate gold
Project: Offenbach Harbor
Studio DL develops individual, creative and meaningful lighting systems that are based on the wishes and budget of our customers. An aesthetic design that blends harmoniously into the room is just as important a criterion for us as the high-quality lighting technology that is in and behind our unique lights.

For us, innovation is not just a word, it is what sets us apart. Studio DL works closely with the University of Applied Science and Art in Hildesheim. Current findings from science and research flow into our work. New studies from light and color research are developed and presented together with the universities and their students. Studio DL researches, teaches and promotes the next generation out of conviction.

Computer-aided 3D visualizations realistically illustrate an illuminated object and its surroundings. In this way, they convey an exact picture of the lighting even to the inexperienced and create a clear picture of the result before implementation. As a communication tool, the precise representation of several lighting variants is possible and cost-intensive test installations can be dispensed with. Studio DL uses these advantages to discuss the project at a table with customers, investors, architects and conservationists and to guarantee optimum development.

Lighting design
To effectively and dynamically stage architecture and rooms while at the same time allowing them to merge with their surroundings – that is our intention. In order to achieve our goals and your success, we collect creative ideas, mix them with a lot of experience and design, plan and design meaningfully. Ultimately, in our design ideas and developments, we can also answer the question of “why?”. Because our concepts are not only based on our experience, but also on scientific studies and analyzes.