Hildesheim | Dom
Mariendom of Hildesheim
The Mariendom, as one of the most well known world culture sites in Hildesheim, was comprehensively restored. The developed lighting scheme subtly places the cathedral as the focal point in the cathedral square and, as the most important monument, sets it in the limelight.
The Mariendom is the center of the Domhof which is bordered by buildings used by the church and thus creates its own city quarter. The lighting design highlights this neighborhood as a cohesive ensemble, creating a homogeneous image of it. In accordance with the overriding concept, the surrounding buildings are uniformly and discreetly illuminated as a space-defining boundary. For this purpose, a specialty luminaire was designed and equipped with a diffuser that produces this result but blends inconspicuously into the historical structures.
In compliance with the wishes of the client, the cathedral is highlighted as the dominant feature of the cathedral courtyard without, however, accenting any part of it too strongly. The task was to create a simple and elegant lighting design that nevertheless accentuates the special features of the Romanesque building with its large surfaces and small windows.
This was successfully accomplished using a recessed floor luminaire, which was modified according to the special needs of the concept and enables full-surface illumination of the entire facade area. By using a special satinized glass, the luminaire was particularly economical needing only 20 watts, despite the large surfaces. Moreover, the floor-level light spot not only covers the facade surface but creates a hint of the window shape. A special accent was placed on the clerestory windows. Here, in addition to the subtly indicated window and door shapes, the recessed floor luminaires are intended to emphasize the arch rhythm in the upper part of the building.